and the curse goes on and on at sea中文什么意思

  • curse:    vt. (cursed, curst ...
  • go on:     Go on! 〔口语〕接 ...
  • sea:    n. 1.海;海洋;内海;大(淡水) ...
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  1. and the classroom 什么意思
  2. and the closer he gets 什么意思
  3. and the clothes you left 什么意思
  4. and the colour of the lights 什么意思
  5. and the cotton is high 什么意思
  6. and the cycle starts anew 什么意思
  7. and the daffodils 什么意思
  8. and the darkness inside you 什么意思
  9. and the day was all that we had 什么意思
  10. and the day when that fall 什么意思


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